Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
Maintaining your car

Here’s a little question: since you got your car, how many times have you already had it serviced?… Never? In that case, it might be time to do so. Indeed, maintaining your car regularly is essential; moreover, you will see, you will only gain advantages.

Why maintain your car?

Before answering this question, you must first know what it really consists of maintaining your car. Know that maintaining a car is: in addition to cleaning it, have it reviewed regularly… You must then ask yourself what a review entails. Well, above all, know that on a car, there are 2 types of revisions to be made. The first is the small revision. It consists of an oil change, but also a check of the oil level and the coolant. Add to that: a check of the brakes, lights, battery and a replacement of the oil filter. Then there is the big overhaul which involves replacing the air filter, the pollen filter and the spark plugs. It will also include a control of the exhaust, shock absorbers and tires, all in addition to the minor overhaul checks.

Now that you know what is done during an overhaul, the answer to the question “why maintain your car?” should seem obvious to you. Yes, maintaining your car must be done to ensure that it runs smoothly. If it has to be done, it is in particular to avoid breakdowns which could lead to costly repairs. It is also to ensure its safety and that of its passengers, by putting all the chances on its side in order to avoid accidents which could cost much more than money.

How often do you maintain your car?

So it’s decided. From now on, you will carry out regular maintenance of your car. But how often to do it? To find out, simply refer to your car’s maintenance book. It will tell you the ideal time or mileage to carry out your revisions. Rent otherwise that in general, a gasoline car must be revised every 15,000 km. If it is a diesel, a service is rather recommended every 20,000 to 30,000 km. In the case of a car that drives very little, having it serviced once a year may be enough.

A word of advice: Whether the car is driven little or every day, whether it runs on petrol or diesel, if you plan to leave with it for a long trip, always have it serviced before you leave. Do the same if you plan to pass the technical control. Indeed, this will allow you to know if parts need to be changed or repaired. So you will have a few steps ahead, enough to avoid having to come back for a counter-visit.

Who to contact to have your car serviced

As you will have understood, maintaining your car is therefore something to be taken very seriously. Also, if you plan to have yours serviced, always call a professional. Today, there are many specialists who can offer you their services. Indeed, to maintain your car, you no longer have to go only to a dealership of the brand. Now there are also auto centers and garages. To find the best in the field, as well as the best prices, do your research. Go to the web, for example, to easily find and compare all the available offers.

Finally, be aware that depending on the model, the brand, and the type of use of a car, the average price of a minor overhaul can range from 100 to more than 1,000 euros. For a big revision, it will be necessary to plan a lot more. However, keep in mind that maintaining your car regularly is above all a question of safety. And you will certainly agree with us: security is priceless.

Note that if you have mechanical knowledge, you can always consider carrying out minor overhauls on your car yourself. By ordering the parts on the internet or buying them in store, you will be able to save some money. In addition, on the internet, you can also find engine oil, coolant or various other materials and tools at attractive prices.

By admin

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